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Stephen Richards

Managing Director

Articles written by Stephen Richards

Island life

We have written extensively about the use of postcodes and geodemographics for mortality modelling.  Two peer-reviewed papers recently presented to the Institute of Actuaries in London have testified to the power of geodemographics when applied to pensioner mortality: Richards (2008) and Madrigal et al (2009).
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: postcodes, Filter information matrix by tag: geodemographics, Filter information matrix by tag: Mosaic, Filter information matrix by tag: Acorn, Filter information matrix by tag: Guernsey, Filter information matrix by tag: Jersey, Filter information matrix by tag: Isle of Man

Cause and effect

Examining past trends in cause of death can be very instructive.  However, in some quarters it has become popular to try to extrapolate trends in causes of death to create a forecast of future mortality rates.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: cause of death, Filter information matrix by tag: heart disease, Filter information matrix by tag: stroke, Filter information matrix by tag: lung cancer, Filter information matrix by tag: colorectal cancer, Filter information matrix by tag: prostate cancer

Fifteen-year (h)itch

Effective risk modelling is about grouping people with shared characteristics which affect this risk.  In mortality analysis by far the most important risk factor is age, so it is not a good idea to mix the young and old if it can be avoided. 
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival analysis, Filter information matrix by tag: survival curve, Filter information matrix by tag: curve of deaths

Top of the table

In an earlier post we also showed how the U.K. was top of the obesity league amongst major EU nations.   Happily, the U.K. is top of a more constructive EU league table, namely the (lack of) affordability of cigarettes.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: smoking

Part of the story

The Institute of Actuaries' sessional meeting on 28th September 2009 discussed an interesting paper.  It covered similar material to that in Richards (2008), but used different methods and different data.

Back(test) to the future

Stochastic projections of future mortality are increasingly used not just to set future best-estimates, but also to inform on stress tests such as for ICAs in the UK.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: Lee-Carter, Filter information matrix by tag: CMIR17, Filter information matrix by tag: back-test

A Scottish question

The Scots are an innovative bunch, including the inventor of the telephone and the discoverer of penicillin.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Scotland, Filter information matrix by tag: region, Filter information matrix by tag: geodemographics

Out for the count

In an earlier post we described a problem when fitting GLMs for qx over multiple years.  The key mistake is to divide up the period over which the individual was observed in a model for individual mortality. 
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: force of mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: GLM, Filter information matrix by tag: missing data

Stabilising projections

With many stochastic models of mortality, projections of future mortality rates are done using a time series.  In a landmark paper, Currie, Durban and Eilers (2004) introduced the idea of using P-splines as an alternative means of generating a forecast.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: P-splines, Filter information matrix by tag: time series, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: CMI

Partial buy-outs

It is quite common for a pension scheme to want to reduce its risk, but to be unable to afford a full buy-out.  The question is how best to reduce risk with the funds available, i.e. which liabilities to buy out first. 
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: buy-out, Filter information matrix by tag: concentration risk, Filter information matrix by tag: trend risk, Filter information matrix by tag: tail risk