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Stephen Richards

Managing Director

Articles written by Stephen Richards

The cost of uncertainty

In an earlier blog I wrote about how stochastic volatility in run-off increases with age. This applies when you exactly know (or think you know) the current and future mortality rates.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: matching

Getting used to Solvency II

Insurers and reinsurers throughout the EU are facing up to the implementation of Solvency II, a radical overhaul of regulatory standards for insurance business.  Recently we explored how much Solvency II demands stochastic models. 
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Does Solvency II demand stochastic models?

Solvency II is a major overhaul of the reserving rules for insurers throughout the European Union.  An important consideration for annuity writers is how it will relate to longevity trend risk.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: longevity risk, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA

Health of the nation

Geodemographic profiles use addresses or postcodes to classify people into groups which are homogeneous with respect to variables like income, housing tenure and life stage.  The original purpose of geodemographic profiles was to improve targeting for marketing purposes. 
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Lost in translation

Actuaries have a long-standing habit of using different terminology to statisticians. This page lists some common terms used by actuaries in mortality work and their "translation" for a non-actuarial audience. The terms and notation are those used by actuaries in the UK, but in every country I have visited the local actuaries have used similar notation.

Table 1. Common actuarial terms and their definition for statisticians.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: central exposed-to-risk, Filter information matrix by tag: curve of deaths, Filter information matrix by tag: force of mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: initial exposed-to-risk, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality law, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality rate, Filter information matrix by tag: survival rates, Filter information matrix by tag: waiting time, Filter information matrix by tag: survival models

Simulation and survival

In an earlier post we discussed how a survival model was directly equivalent to assuming future lifetime was a random variable.  One consequence of this is that survival models make it quick and simple to simulate a policyholder's future lifetime for the purposes of ICAs and Solvency II.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival curve, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: integrated hazard function

Run-off volatility

When investigating risk in an annuity portfolio, a key task is to simulate the future lifetime for each annuitant.  Survival models make this particularly easy, as covered in an earlier posting on simulating lifetimes.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: simulation, Filter information matrix by tag: curve of deaths, Filter information matrix by tag: coefficient of variation, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II

East meets West

This month sees the twentieth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  This is therefore an appropriate time to remind ourselves of a dramatic example of the plasticity of mortality. 
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality plasticity, Filter information matrix by tag: Germany