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Stephen Richards

Managing Director

Articles written by Stephen Richards

Mortality crossover

In a previous blog I discussed the importance of mortality convergence to actuaries, i.e. how mortality differentials narrow with age and how this interacts with discounting of cashflows.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality convergence, Filter information matrix by tag: crossover

Model selection

When fitting a mortality model, analysts are faced with the decision of which risk factors to include or exclude.  One way of doing this is to look for the improvement in an information criterion that balances the fit against the number of parameters.  The bigger the improvement in the information criterion, the more strongly the model with the smaller value is preferred.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: information criterion, Filter information matrix by tag: AIC, Filter information matrix by tag: relative likelihood

Matrix repair

When fitting a statistical model we want two things as a minimum:

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: information matrix, Filter information matrix by tag: covariance matrix

Mortality convergence

In his blog on socio-economic differentials in England and Wales, Torsten Kleinow showed how mortality rates between sub-groups converge with age. And in his blog on ill-health retirements, Kai Kaufhold demonstrated how excess mortality relative to normal retirements reduces, then vanishes.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality convergence, Filter information matrix by tag: compensation law of mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality plasticity

Seasonal mortality and age

In two previous blogs (here and here) I looked at excess winter mortality.  A first glance at the charts shows that the elderly dominate the death counts.  However, the elderly also happen to provide the bulk of deaths at any time of year, so how can we be sure that they are more vulnerable to seasonal variation?
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: season, Filter information matrix by tag: winter

The Hermite model of mortality

In Richards (2012) I compared seventeen different parametric models for modelling the mortality of a portfolio of UK annuitants. The best-fitting model, i.e. the one with the lowest AIC, was the Makeham-Beard model:

\[\mu_x = \frac{e^\epsilon+e^{\alpha+\beta x}}{1+e^{\alpha+\rho+\beta x}}\qquad(1)\]

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Hermite splines, Filter information matrix by tag: extrapolation

Mortality down under

Different countries have different mortality characteristics, and this is true even where countries have similar levels of wealth and development.  However, different countries also have shared mortality characteristics, and one of these is seasonal variation. 
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: season, Filter information matrix by tag: winter, Filter information matrix by tag: cause of death