Stephen Richards Profile Picture

Stephen Richards

Managing Director

Articles written by Stephen Richards

Hedging or betting?

Last week I presented at Longevity 14 in Amsterdam. A recurring topic at this conference series is index-based approaches to managing longevity risk. Indeed, this topic crops up so reliably, one could call it a hardy perennial.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: basis risk, Filter information matrix by tag: concentration risk, Filter information matrix by tag: model risk

'D' is for deficiency

The United Kingdom has long had persistent regional disparities in mortality, and thus in life expectancy.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Scotland, Filter information matrix by tag: sunshine, Filter information matrix by tag: Vitamin D

Valuing liabilities with survival models

Regular readers of this blog will know that we are strong advocates of the benefits of modelling mortality in continuous time via survival models. What is less widely appreciated is that a great many financial liabilities can be valued with just two curves, each entirely determined by the force of mortality, \(\mu_{x+t}\), and a discount function, \(v^t\).

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival curve, Filter information matrix by tag: curve of deaths

Testing the tests

Examining residuals is a key aspect of testing a model's fit. In two previous blogs I first introduced two competing definitions of a residual for a grouped count, while later I showed how deviance residuals were superior to the older-style Pearson residuals. If a model is correct, then the deviance residuals by age should look like random N(0,1) variables.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: deviance residuals, Filter information matrix by tag: autocorrelation, Filter information matrix by tag: Fisher transform

Getting animated about longevity

We'll be the first to admit that what we have here doesn't exactly provide Pixar levels of entertainment. However, with the release of v2.7.9 users of the Projections Toolkit can now generate animations of fitted past mortality curves and their extrapolation into the future.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival curve, Filter information matrix by tag: curve of deaths, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality compression

Functions of a random variable

Assume we have a random variable, \(X\), with expected value \(\eta\) and variance \(\sigma^2\). Often we find ourselves wanting to know the expected value and variance of a function of that random variable, \(f(X)\). Fortunately there are some workable approximations involving only \(\eta\), \(\sigma^2\) and the derivatives of \(f\). In both cases we make use of a Taylor-series expansion of \(f(X)\) around \(\eta\):

\[f(X)=\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{f^{(n)}(\eta)}{n!}(X-\eta)^n\]

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: GLM, Filter information matrix by tag: log link, Filter information matrix by tag: logit link

Battle of the Bulge

[Regular visitors to our blog will have guessed from the title that this posting is about obesity. If you landed here looking for WWII material, you want the other Battle of the Bulge.]

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: BMI, Filter information matrix by tag: obesity, Filter information matrix by tag: sugar tax

Lump sum or annuity?

People are often faced with a decision whether to live off their savings or buy an annuity.  Normally such decisions are made around the retirement ages of 60–65.  However, an interesting counter-example has just been provided by eighteen-year-old Charlie Lagarde, the winner of a lottery in Canada. 
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: annuities, Filter information matrix by tag: life expectancy

Analysis of VaR-iance

In recent years we have published a number of papers on stochastic mortality models. A particular focus has been on the application of such models to longevity trend risk in a one-year, value-at-risk (VaR) framework for Solvency II. However, while a small group of models has been common to each paper, there have been changes in the calculation basis, most obviously where updated data have been used.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Lee-Carter, Filter information matrix by tag: value-at-risk, Filter information matrix by tag: longevity trend risk, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II

Fathoming the changes to the Lee-Carter model

Ancient Greek philosophers had a paradox called "The Ship of Theseus"; if pieces of a ship are replaced over time as they wear out until every one of the original components is gone, is it still the same ship? At this point you could be forgiven for thinking (a) that this couldn't possibly be further removed from mortality modelling, and (b) that I had consumed something a lot more potent than tea at breakfast.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Lee-Carter, Filter information matrix by tag: P-splines, Filter information matrix by tag: ARIMA