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Stephen Richards

Managing Director

Articles written by Stephen Richards

A spline primer

spline is a mathematical function.  They are used wherever flexibility and smoothness are required, from computer-aided design and cartoon graphics, to the graduation of mortality tables (McCutcheon, 1974).  There are numerous different types of spline, but the most common is the spline proposed by Schoenberg (1964).  Figure 1 shows Schoenberg splines of degrees 0–3, all of which start in 2015:

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Actuarial cycle time

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has introduced millions of ordinary people to some basic aspects of epidemiology, such as the R number to measure the reproductive ability of a virus. 
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Build versus buy

In an earlier blog I quoted extensively from "The Mythical Man-Month", a book by the distinguished software engineer Fred Brooks.  My blog was admittedly self-interested(!) when it cited arguments made by Brooks (and others) for when it makes sense to buy software instead of writing it yourself.  However in place of "buying

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: software, Filter information matrix by tag: ARIMA, Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: left-truncation

(H)arms race

I'm not a fan of the hyperbolic use of military metaphors in civilian life.  However, in rare cases they do seem appropriate, and the ongoing SAR-Cov-2 pandemic provides an example.  After all, describing a worker as "front-line" seems justified when the occupation carries a materially increased risk of infection and death (SAGE, 2021).

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Modelling mortality shocks

The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has so far produced two mortality shocks in the UK and many other countries.  Unsurprisingly, the extra mortality is also visible in annuity portfolios.  Such mortality spikes create a challenge for actuaries — ho

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Buy versus build

If you are in the business of pricing and managing longevity risk, you need software to help you perform your analysis. You have two choices:

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A pandemic retrospective

The former UK prime minister Harold Wilson famously said that "a week is along time in politics". One wonders what he would have made of the coronavirus pandemic.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: influenza

An abundance of clots?

As David Spiegelhalter (2021) points out, blood clots happen all the time: "at least 100 every week" in a population of 5 million.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: coronavirus, Filter information matrix by tag: vaccination

Allowing for reporting delays

In a previous blog I outlined my six-month rule of thumb for discarding mortality experience affected by reporting delays. However, this can be awkward where there is a hard limit on how far back the experience data goes. For example, when a pension scheme switches administrator, or an insurer migrates business from one system to another, past mortality data is usually the first casualty.

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