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Gavin Ritchie

IT Director

Gavin spent his previous career in software development and database design in a variety of employed and independent roles. Development activities for Life Insurance systems proved a launching pad to a collaboration with Stephen Richards, and the Longevitas application suite was born. Alongside steering the IT function, Gavin is the primary developer for database, Java and web-related technologies.

Articles written by Gavin Ritchie

Modelling and the maple leaf

We get a lot of interest in our software from Canada. We don't know specifically why this might be — despite that fact that two of our founders are Scottish, we are not aware of any distant relatives still panning for gold out there.
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Parallel processing

A colleague of mine once described parallel processing as the "work of the devil". I don't know if I'd go quite this far — this statement was made in the early nineties, when technology was that little bit less advanced than it is today.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: parallel processing, Filter information matrix by tag: technology

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Not all security strategies need be as dramatic as those proposed by Mission Impossible, but anyone offering SaaS needs to ensure data is accessible by only authorised users.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: security, Filter information matrix by tag: encryption, Filter information matrix by tag: technology

Zip codes

Following a previous entry on postcodes, we have been asked how US zip codes can be used for mortality modelling.
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Being open to open source

There remains some residual apprehension around open source software (OSS), despite the fact it is increasingly widely adopted.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: software, Filter information matrix by tag: technology, Filter information matrix by tag: open source

What's in a name?

We have already mentioned the problem of duplication in pension schemes and annuities, and as an issue we encounter frequently it is worth talking a little about some technology that can be used to counter the problem.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: deduplication, Filter information matrix by tag: duplicates, Filter information matrix by tag: metaphone

SaaS - Software as a service

According to technology analysts Gartner, one quarter of new business software will be delivered as a service by 2011.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: SaaS, Filter information matrix by tag: software, Filter information matrix by tag: technology