Postcode pricing in 15 minutes!
Just a short post to announce we've revised our overview videos for both Longevitas and
The Longevitas video takes you through the creation of a pricing and reserving model incorporating both postcode geodemographics and benefit size in just over 13 minutes. You'll have to put up with my dulcet tones, but other than that, enjoy!
Previous posts
Early retirements
Members of defined-benefit pension schemes can often retire early if they are in poor health. Unsurprisingly, such ill-health retirements exhibit higher mortality rates than those who retire at the normal scheme age.
Accelerating improvements in mortality
In February 2009 a variation on the Lee-Carter model for smoothing and projecting mortality rates was presented to the Faculty of Actuaries. A key question for any projection model is whether the process being modelled is stable. If the process is not stable, then a model assuming it is stable will give misleading projections. Equally, a model which makes projections by placing a greater emphasis on recent data will be better able to identify a change in tempo of the underlying p
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