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Gavin Ritchie

IT Director

Gavin spent his previous career in software development and database design in a variety of employed and independent roles. Development activities for Life Insurance systems proved a launching pad to a collaboration with Stephen Richards, and the Longevitas application suite was born. Alongside steering the IT function, Gavin is the primary developer for database, Java and web-related technologies.

Articles written by Gavin Ritchie

Universal prescription

In April 2017 the UK Government unveiled its Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS), the first binding legislation ensuring government investment in cycling and walking provision in England. CWIS commits 1.2 billion GBP of spending by 2020/2021, coming from central and local government as well as from local enterprise partnerships.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: longevity, Filter information matrix by tag: research, Filter information matrix by tag: exercise, Filter information matrix by tag: public health

Special Delivery

Drug molecules, without special intervention, don't apply only where we want them to. Indeed, late last year this fact landed pharmaceutical giant Reckitt Benckiser in trouble with the Australian regulator.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: cancer, Filter information matrix by tag: targeting

Top of the tree

What do civil servants and monkeys have in common (ignoring a purportedly greater than average interest in bananas)?
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: socio-economic group, Filter information matrix by tag: primates, Filter information matrix by tag: monkeys

Habit (re)forming

Behavioural risk factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are significant drivers of mortality and morbidity.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: smoking, Filter information matrix by tag: alcohol

Making sense of senescence

Historical research we discussed previously proposed that significant increases in average life expectancy would require the cure of multiple diseases of aging. Without considering the detail of cause-of-death calculations conducted more than two decades ago, it certainly seems implausible even now that we'll cross such a dramatic Rubicon in the near-term.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: longevity, Filter information matrix by tag: research, Filter information matrix by tag: inflammation, Filter information matrix by tag: disease

Cart before horse?

Predicting the exact impact of weight upon mortality has proven to be a tricky business. That obesity is on the rise is universally acknowledged, but in recent years we have seen research studies reach differing conclusions, depending on the populations examined and the measures used.

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: research, Filter information matrix by tag: reverse causality, Filter information matrix by tag: obesity, Filter information matrix by tag: BMI

Definitions of age

When modelling longevity, age is well-known to be a crucial risk factor. However it is also well-known that the life-expectancy upon attaining any specific age will differ between populations.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: longevity, Filter information matrix by tag: research, Filter information matrix by tag: genetics, Filter information matrix by tag: centenarians, Filter information matrix by tag: age

Label without a cause

To talk informally about a concept, we need only give it a recognisable name. For example, we use the label "medical error" and we all know what is meant - or at least we think we do.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: cause of death, Filter information matrix by tag: ICD, Filter information matrix by tag: medical error, Filter information matrix by tag: research

Assumed or presumed?

Mortality modelling and research is often critically dependent upon assumptions, but certainty over whether those assumptions are well-founded may come only with hindsight.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: longevity, Filter information matrix by tag: research, Filter information matrix by tag: models, Filter information matrix by tag: expert

Metastatic immunity

In 2013, cancers represented more than one third of the top-fifteen causes of all-age mortality in the UK, irrespective of gender. Despite intensive efforts, for some cancers survival rates have scarcely improved for decades.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: longevity, Filter information matrix by tag: research, Filter information matrix by tag: cancer, Filter information matrix by tag: immunotherapy