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Stephen Richards

Managing Director

Articles written by Stephen Richards

Insurance or right?

The Economist recently carried an article about the perceived unfairness of increasing the retirement age. The argument is that poorer people have higher mortality rates, which means they get less value from a given pension than richer people: the poor are less likely to survive long enough to receive the pension, and if they do they will draw it for a shorter period of time.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: state pension age, Filter information matrix by tag: life expectancy


Graduation is the process whereby smooth mortality rates are created from crude mortality rates.  Smoothness is an important part of graduation, but another is the extrapolation of mortality rates to ages at which data may be unreliable or even non-existent.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: graduation, Filter information matrix by tag: extrapolation by age, Filter information matrix by tag: smoothing, Filter information matrix by tag: splines

Correlation complications

A basic result in probability theory is that the variance of the sum of two random variables is not necessarily the same as the sum of their variances.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: cause of death, Filter information matrix by tag: correlation, Filter information matrix by tag: covariance

Discounting longevity trend risk

Establishing the capital requirement for longevity trend risk is a thorny problem for insurers with substantial pension or annuity payments.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA, Filter information matrix by tag: longevity trend risk, Filter information matrix by tag: yield curve

Groups v. individuals

We have previously shown how survival models based around the force of mortality, μx, have the ability to use more of your data.  We have also seen that attempting to use fractional years of exposure in a qx model can lead to potential mistakes. However, the Poisson distribution also uses μx, so why don't we use a Poisson model for the grouped count of deaths in each cell?
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: Poisson distribution, Filter information matrix by tag: GLM

Following the thread

Gavin recently explored the topic of threads and parallel processing.  But what does this mean from a business perspective?
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: parallel processing, Filter information matrix by tag: simulation, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: technology

An early bath for the bathtub model

My last posting looked at why actuaries fitted survival models differently to statisticians, even though the conceptual framework for survival models is common to both disciplines.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: bathtub hazard

Actuarial exceptionalism

In an earlier posting I listed some actuarial terms and their statistical equivalents (and later a short list of statistical terms and their equivalents in other fields).
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: left-truncation

Trend risk and age

There are several ways of looking at longevity trend risk, as covered in our recent seminar. However, regardless of how you choose to look at this risk, there are some pitfalls to watch out for.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA, Filter information matrix by tag: longevity trend risk, Filter information matrix by tag: model risk

2D or not 2D?

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) in North America recently published an exposure draft of a proposed interim mortality-improvement basis for pension-scheme work.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: Scale AA, Filter information matrix by tag: Scale BB, Filter information matrix by tag: trend reversal, Filter information matrix by tag: CMI