Information Matrix
Posts feedModelling improvements in experience data - II
In my previous blog I looked at the implied mortality improvements from time-varying traditional actuarial survival models. In this blog we consider the implied improvements under the newer Hermite-spline model I proposed in Richards (2019). This paper included an explicit attempt to model age-related mortality changes, as dis
Piquing interest in improvements
When underwriting a pension scheme for a bulk annuity or longevity swap, the first concern is understanding what mortality levels are, especially differentials amongst sub-groups. The next concern is whether the recent mortality improvements in the pension scheme are in line with the pricing basis; if the scheme has experienced faster improvements, say, then this would be a valuable insight for pricing.
Seasoned analysis
The importance of seasonal analysis was underscored by a recent letter form the UK insurance regulator. In a previous blog, I looked at quarterly seasonal variation in a portfolio of defined-benefit pensions, and in a more recent blog I looked at monthly seasonal variation in mortality in England & Wales.
The renewed importance of place
A week is a long time in a pandemic
Significantly enhancing your models
COVID-19 mortality and sex
COVID-19 mortality and age
Another look at the Gompertz model
The year 1825 was a significant one not only for actuaries but for the wider scientific community: Benjamin Gompertz published his landmark paper on the graduation of human mortality (Gompertz, 1825). There were at least three completely new ideas in his paper. First, he gave his famous law of mortality. To quote Gompertz: