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Concentration of risk

Liabilities within any given portfolio are rarely equal, and they usually differ widely in size. Typically, a large proportion of liabilities is concentrated in a relatively small number of lives, so this should always be checked.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: concentration risk, Filter information matrix by tag: Gini, Filter information matrix by tag: socio-economic group, Filter information matrix by tag: lifestyle

Public-health targets for mortality improvements

Public-health officials typically allocate their resources using evidence-based methods. They know their annual budget for spending on health measures, and they typically want to save as many lives as they can with that fixed budget.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: years of life lost

Being open to open source

There remains some residual apprehension around open source software (OSS), despite the fact it is increasingly widely adopted.
Written by: Gavin RitchieTags: Filter information matrix by tag: software, Filter information matrix by tag: technology, Filter information matrix by tag: open source

Seasonal patterns in mortality

During an analysis of a large annuity portfolio we took some time out to look at the pattern of mortality by season as well as the overall time trend. We fitted a model for age, gender and season, where the definition of season is that used by the ONS: each season covers three months, and where winter covers December, January and February.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality, Filter information matrix by tag: annuities, Filter information matrix by tag: season, Filter information matrix by tag: time-trend

Choosing between models

In any model-fitting exercise you will be faced with choices. What shape of mortality curve to use? Which risk factors to include? How many size bands for benefit amount? In each case there is a balance to be struck between improving the model fit and making the model more complicated.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: AIC, Filter information matrix by tag: log-likelihood, Filter information matrix by tag: model fit

Survival models v. GLMs?

At some point you may be challenged to decide whether to use survival models or the older generalised linear models (GLMs). You could be forgiven for thinking that the two were mutually exclusive, especially since some commercial commentators have tried to frame the debate that way.

Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival models, Filter information matrix by tag: GLM, Filter information matrix by tag: force of mortality

What's in a name?

We have already mentioned the problem of duplication in pension schemes and annuities, and as an issue we encounter frequently it is worth talking a little about some technology that can be used to counter the problem.
Written by: Gavin RitchieTags: Filter information matrix by tag: deduplication, Filter information matrix by tag: duplicates, Filter information matrix by tag: metaphone

Deduplication and pension schemes

Deduplication is an essential part of data preparation for statistical modelling. The phenomenon of multiple policies per person is a major issue for annuity portfolios, and arises from life companies' policy-orientated view of the world.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: deduplication, Filter information matrix by tag: duplicates, Filter information matrix by tag: pensions