Information Matrix
Posts feedWeighing the evidence
Forecasting with penalty functions - Part I
There is much to say on the topic of penalty forecasting, so this is the first of three blogs. In this blog we will describe penalty forecasting in one dimension; this will establish the basic ideas. In the second blog we will discuss the case of most interest to actuaries: two-dimensional forecasting. In the final blog we will discuss some of the properties of penalty forecasting in two dimensions.
Can I interest you in a guaranteed loss-making investment?
Simulating the Future
This blog has two aims: first, to describe how we go about simulation in the Projections Toolkit; second, to emphasize the important role a model has in determining the width of the confidence interval of the forecast.
The strange case of Scotland's missing improvements
Dealing direct
Conditional tail expectations
In a recent posting I looked at the calculation of percentiles and quantiles, which underpin many calculations for ICA and Solvency II. Simply put, an \(\alpha\)-quantile is the value which is not expected to be exceeded \(\alpha\times 100\)% of the time. This value is denoted \(Q_{\alpha}\). Mathematically, for a continuous random variable, \(X\), and a given probability level \(\alpha\) we have:
$$\Pr(X\leq Q_\alpha)=\alpha$$