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Competitive eating
Longevity and the 2011 Census
The Continuous Mortality Investigation (CMI) has just announced its decision to postpone the release of its mortality projection model until 2013, the main reason being to properly allow for the impact of the 2011 Census.
Extracting the (data) value
Canonical correlation
At our seminar earlier this year I looked at the validity of assumptions underpinning some stochastic projection models for mortality. I looked at the assumption of parameter independence in forecasting, and examined whether this assumption was borne out by the data. It transpires that the assumption of independence is a workable assumption for some models, but not for others. This has important consequences in a Solvency II context — an internal model must be shown to have assumptions grounded in fact.
An early bath for the bathtub model
Actuarial exceptionalism
Trend risk and age
2D or not 2D?
The Society of Actuaries (SOA) in North America recently published an exposure draft of a proposed interim mortality-improvement basis for pension-scheme work. The new basis will be called "Scale BB" and is intended as an interim replacement for "Scale AA". Like Scale AA, the interim Scale BB is one-dimensional in age, i.e. mortality improvements vary by age and gender only. However, the SOA is putting North American actuaries on notice that a move to a two-dimensional projection is on the cards: