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Caveat emptor

I wrote earlier about survivor forwards as a means of transferring longevity risk.  One natural question for investors to ask is: what is the likelihood of loss exceeding a given amount?
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: survivor forward, Filter information matrix by tag: S-forward, Filter information matrix by tag: model risk, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections

Currency devaluation

I have written before on aspects of the CMI's new deterministic projection model. One hoped-for goal was that the CMI 2010 model would become a "common currency" for communicating mortality-improvement bases.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: CMI, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections

Model risk

Investors in longevity risk are particularly interested in extremes — they want to know the maximum loss they are likely to bear for a given probability.  Reinsurers can be even more strongly interested in extremes, especially if they have written stop-loss reinsurance. 
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: model risk, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II

Forecasting mortality at high ages

The forecasting of future mortality at high ages presents additional challenges to the actuary. As an illustration of the problem, let us consider the CMI assured-lives data set for years 1950–2005 and ages 40–100 (see Stephen's blog posts on selection and data volumes). The blue curve (partly hidden under the green curve) in Figure 1 shows observed log(mortality) averaged over time.

Written by: Iain CurrieTags: Filter information matrix by tag: missing data, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: age extrapolation

Don't shoot the messenger

Stochastic projection models have many advantages — they not only give best-estimate projections, but also confidence intervals around those projections.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections

Applying the brakes

The CMI has released a second version of its deterministic targeting model for mortality improvements.  This type of model is called an expectation, as the user must enter their belief for the long-term rate of mortality improvement to use the tool.  Expectations have their own unique features, as discussed

Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: CMI, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections

Keeping it simple — postscript

Last week we looked at how to compare mortality-improvement bases for pensions and annuities.  However, for many years some pension schemes in the UK did not have explicit mortality-improvement projections.  Instead, they allowed for mortality improvements by making a deduction from the valuation discount rate.
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: equivalent annuity

Keeping it simple

Which mortality-improvement basis is tougher — a medium-cohort projection with a 2% minimum value, or a long-cohort projection with a 1% minimum?

Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: equivalent annuity

A rose by any other name

How important are the labels we give to things? In a seminal paper Richard Willets brought a particular mortality phenomenon to the attention of the UK actuarial profession
Written by: Stephen RichardsTags: Filter information matrix by tag: cohort effect, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections

Volatility v. Trend Risk

The year 1992 was important in the development of forecasting methods: Ronald Lee and Lawrence Carter published their highly influential paper on forecasting US mortality.
Written by: Iain CurrieTags: Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: parameter uncertainty, Filter information matrix by tag: Lee-Carter, Filter information matrix by tag: drift model