Information Matrix
Posts feedMetastatic immunity
Some points for integration
The survivor function from age \(x\) to age \(x+t\), denoted \({}_tp_x\) by actuaries, is a useful tool in mortality work. As mentioned in one of our earliest blogs, a basic feature is that the expected time lived is the area under the survival curve, i.e. the integral of \({}_tp_x\). This is easy to express in visual terms, but it often requires numerical integration if there is no closed-form expression for the integral of the survival curve.
(Mis-)Estimation of mortality risk
Sweet and sour
Public health initiatives, such as those being considered in the UK around sugar, carry risks as well as potential benefits for any government. The first consequence of action is the near-certain accusation of presiding over a nanny state.
Working with constraints
The age pattern of mortality
Heligman and Pollard published a famous paper in 1980 with the title "The age pattern of mortality". In their paper they proposed an additive, three-component model of mortality:
\[q_x/p_x = f_I(x) + f_S(x) + f_A(x)\]
Old drugs, new tricks
The name of the game
Reverse Gear
A chill wind
In a previous blogs I have looked at seasonal fluctuations in mortality, usually with lower mortality in summer and higher mortality in winter. The subject of excess winter deaths is back in the news, as the UK experienced heavy mortality in the winter of 2014/15, as demonstrated in Figure 1.