Lost in translation

Actuaries have a long-standing habit of using different terminology to statisticians. This page lists some common terms used by actuaries in mortality work and their "translation" for a non-actuarial audience. The terms and notation are those used by actuaries in the UK, but in every country I have visited the local actuaries have used similar notation.

Table 1. Common actuarial terms and their definition for statisticians.

Actuarial termActuarial notationStatistical description
central exposed to risk


The time exposed to risk of dying at age \(x\).

curve of deaths


Probability density function for the future lifetime of an individual currently alive and aged exactly \(x\).

force of mortality




In models with a single mortality decrement, this refers to the instantaneous hazard rate for mortality at exact age \(x\). In models with multiple states, this refers to the instantaneous transition intensity for mortality.

initial exposed to risk


The number of individuals alive aged exactly \(x\) at the start of an investigation period.

mortality law


A functional form for the instantaneous hazard rate or probability of death, e.g. the Gompertz Law is \(\mu_x=\exp(\alpha+\beta x)\).

mortality rate


The probability of death between ages \(x\) and \(x+1\) in a Bernoulli model for the number of deaths, given that a life is alive at exact age \(x\) at outset.

survival rate


The probability of survival from age \(x\) to age \(x+t\), given a life is alive at exact age \(x\), i.e. the survival curve or survivor function.

It is interesting to note the different traditions within particular disciplines. For example, actuaries almost always use \(\mu_x\) to denote the force of mortality. Engineers, however, call the same thing the failure rate and typically denote it by \(\lambda\). Statisticians, meanwhile, will call the self-same concept the hazard function.

Previous posts


Actuaries need to project mortality rates into the far future for calculating present values of pension and annuity liabilities. In an earlier post Stephen wrote about the advantages of stochastic projection methods. One method we might try is the two-dimensional P-spline method with the simple assumption that the number of deaths at age i in year j follows a Poisson distribution (Brouhns, et al, 2002). Figure 1 shows observed and fitted log mortalities for the cross-section of the

Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: over-dispersion, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality projections, Filter information matrix by tag: mortality improvements

Simulation and survival

In an earlier post we discussed how a survival model was directly equivalent to assuming future lifetime was a random variable.  One consequence of this is that survival models make it quick and simple to simulate a policyholder's future lifetime for the purposes of ICAs and Solvency II.
Tags: Filter information matrix by tag: survival curve, Filter information matrix by tag: ICA, Filter information matrix by tag: Solvency II, Filter information matrix by tag: integrated hazard function


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