Longevitas leading-edge software for modelling and analysing

Longevitas offers leading-edge software for modelling and analysing demographic risks, including mortality, longevity, critical illness, lapses and persistency...

Regulatory, competitive and margin pressure are driving industry demand for the best evidence-based approaches towards pricing, reserving and risk management. Read more about some current challenges and hot topics of concern to the industry, as we present our innovative approaches that can make a real difference to the bottom line.

Model expected deaths by age

Survival Modelling

If you have sufficient experience data for your portfolio and wish to analyse a broad range of risk factors, the Longevitas Modelling software will allow you to do this.

Read more about the Survival Modelling software

Projections Toolkit

If you need to make stochastic mortality projections or generate stress test for ICAs or Solvency II calculations, you need the Projections Toolkit.

More about the projections toolkit

mortalityrating.com logo


If you have little or no experience data, or need to quickly determine which percentage of a standard table should be used in valuing a pensioner portfolio, you should consider mortalityrating.com

More about mortality rating

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